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Role for nsP2 Proteins in the Cessation of Alphavirus Minus-Strand Synthesis by Host Cells




In order to establish nonlytic persistent infections (PI) of BHK cells, replicons derived from Sindbis (SIN) and Semliki Forest (SFV) viruses have mutations in nsP2. Five different nsP2 PI replicons were compared to wild-type (wt) SIN, SFV, and wt nsPs SIN replicons. Replicon PI BHK21 cells had viral RNA synthesis rates that were less than 5% of those of the wt virus and ∼10% or less of those of SIN wt replicon-infected cells, and, in contrast to wt virus and replicons containing wt nsP2, all showed a phenotype of continuous minus-strand synthesis and of unstable, mature replication/transcription complexes (RC+) that are active in plus-strand synthesis. Minus-strand synthesis and incorporation of [3H]uridine into replicative intermediates differed among PI replicons, depending on the location of the mutation in nsP2. Minus-strand synthesis by PI cells appeared normal; it was dependent on continuous P123 and P1234 polyprotein synthesis and ceased when protein synthesis was inhibited. The failure by the PI replicons to shut off minus-strand synthesis was not due to some defect in the PI cells but rather was due to the loss of some function in the mutated nsP2. This was demonstrated by showing that superinfection of PI cells with wt SFV triggered the shutdown of minus-strand synthesis, which we believe is a host response to infection with alphaviruses. Together, the results indicate alphavirus nsP2 functions to engage the host response to infection and activate a switch from the early-to-late phase. The loss of this function leads to continuous viral minus-strand synthesis and the production of unstable RC+.
机译:为了建立BHK细胞的非溶解性持久性感染(PI),衍生自Sindbis(SIN)和Semliki Forest(SFV)病毒的复制子在nsP2中具有突变。将五个不同的nsP2 PI复制子与野生型(wt)SIN,SFV和wt nsPs SIN复制子进行了比较。复制子PI BHK21细胞的病毒RNA合成率小于wt病毒的5%,小于SIN wt复制子感染的细胞的约10%或更低,并且与wt病毒和含有wt nsP2的复制子相反,所有这些都表现出连续的负链合成和不稳定的,成熟的复制/转录复合物(RC +),它们在正链合成中具有活性。根据nsP2中突变的位置,PI复制子之间的负链合成和[3H]尿苷掺入复制中间体的过程也有所不同。 PI细胞的负链合成似乎正常;它依赖于连续的P123和P1234多蛋白合成,并在蛋白合成受到抑制时停止。 PI复制子未能关闭负链合成不是由于PI细胞中的某些缺陷,而是由于突变的nsP2中某些功能的丧失。通过证明用wt SFV感染PI细胞会触发负链合成的关闭来证明这一点,我们认为这是宿主对甲病毒感染的反应。在一起,结果表明甲病毒nsP2发挥功能,使宿主对感染产生反应,并激活从早期到晚期的转换。该功能的丧失导致病毒负链的连续合成和不稳定的RC +的产生。



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